1.  The governments have ceased to govern.

2.  When the market is allowed to govern, the government becomes powerless to effect any radical social changes.

3.    Elections have failed to make democracy distributive and justice oriented.

4.     It is about market reforms and absence of plans for the poorest of the poor.

5.    A patron-client relationship defines modern governments and the masses.

Correct Answer :

When the market is allowed to govern, the government becomes powerless to effect any radical social changes.

Explanation :
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1.  This has put both the internet search engine and the publishers on an unwarranted collision course  

2.     Since the case might drag on for years to the detriment of both the parties, an out of court settlement is well advised

3.     Isn’t it rather difficult, or even in fructuous to protect copyright on published text in this internet age

4.     Perhaps both the parties ought to try and appreciate the other's viewpoint, as well as legitimate apprehensions, but with the overall goal of the public good in mind.  

5.    Meanwhile, Google should show more respect for publishers' rights - and publishers should not make the mistake of using the strictures of copyright law to tie their own hands

Correct Answer :


 Perhaps both the parties ought to try and appreciate the other's viewpoint, as well as legitimate apprehensions, but with the overall goal of the public good in mind.


Explanation :
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1.  As a result, 'deal making' becomes rampant, without concern for customer satisfaction.

2.  As a result, inefficiencies creep into the supply chain.

3.  As a result, everyone treats the other as an adversary, rather than as an ally

4.  As a result, fundamental innovations are becoming scarce in the automobile industry. ;

5.  As a result, everyone loses in the long run.

Correct Answer :

As a result, fundamental innovations are becoming scarce in the automobile industry. ;

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.   tax relief in India for those portions of a taxpayer's income, if any, that are set aside to increase that Tax payer's total savings

2.  tax relief in India for the processing fees that taxpayers pay to lending institutions when obtaining certain kinds of loans

3.  tax relief in India for interest that taxpayers are charged ^ on the unpaid balance in credit card accounts

4.  taxes due in India on the cash value of gifts received a by taxpayers from banks trying to encourage people to open savings accounts .

5.  taxes due in India on the amount that a taxpayer has invested in interest-bearing savings accounts

Correct Answer :

 tax relief in India for those portions of a taxpayer's income, if any, that are set aside to increase that Tax payer's total savings

Explanation :
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1.   A greater worry is the bleeding in country's labor market.

2.  The Finance Department has revised its estimates just how bad 2008 really was.

3.  Figures released by Commerce Department confirmed what most had been expected

4.  New GDP figures suggest some 'hope for country economy. But the pain is far from over.  

5.  House prices still have a long way to go before they return to the level of a year ago

Correct Answer :

New GDP figures suggest some 'hope for country economy. But the pain is far from over.


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  But then there are thousands of people who are social workers

2.     But then there is a faith in the City

3.       But then there is a faith in the City

4.     But then there are people addict to charity also

5.    But then there are people who are totally against the drugs and faithful to their partners…

Correct Answer :


 But then there are people addict to charity also

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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