1.  A

2.  B

3.  C

4.  D

5.  E

Correct Answer :


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1.   The crucial issue, therefore, is to bring about improvement in the finances with a view to restructuring expenditure

2.     The crucial issue, therefore ,is to analyze the finances with a view to see what can be done to expenditure

3.     Hence ,it can be said that management of finances is important vis-a-vis management of expenditures

4.     Therefore ,Governments have to mend their way and  balance the finances and the expenditures

5.     What is expected in this scenario is a policy shift

Correct Answer :

 The crucial issue, therefore, is to bring about improvement in the finances with a view to restructuring expenditure

Explanation :
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1.  As they are the central point of any economy their importance is. preemptory

2.    As they have the real remote control in their hands and poor can not see that.

3.    As they have the capital for investment and give employment to the poor.

4.     As they have lobbying power to decide the fate of the; poor.

5.     As they are-capital rich and can not be compared with poor.

Correct Answer :


As they have the capital for investment and give employment to the poor.

Explanation :
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1.   banks are most risk prone of all the financial institutions.

2.     Banks were managing each risk independently ,in isolation ,which is no longer inadequate

3.     It is about risk level at which an enterprise is operating to have or not have risk management system

4.     Risk management in India is lagging for banks in comparison with other parts of world

5.     What, if risk becomes unmanageable and looks right in your face..

Correct Answer :


 Banks were managing each risk independently ,in isolation ,which is no longer inadequate

Explanation :
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1.  A

2.  B

3.  C

4.  D

5.  E

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  A

2.  B

3.  C

4.  D

5.  E

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  A

2.  C

3.  D

4.  B

5.  E

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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