1. Two.
2. Four.
3. Cannot be determined based on the passage.
4. None of the above.
None of the above.
1. it revealed that Tsavo lions are ferocious.
2. Patterson made a helluva lot of money from the book by sensationalism.
3. it perpetuated the bad name Tsavo lions had.
4. it narrated how two male Tsavo lions were killed.
it perpetuated the bad name Tsavo lions had.
1. India should produce agriculture goods.
2. Indian should give up the goal of self-reliance.
3. India should study the world market and produce all those goods, which it can produce cheaper than other nations can.
4. India should produce all the goods that are essential for the well-being of its people.
Indian should give up the goal of self-reliance.
1. Tsavo lions have been observed to bring down one of the strongest and most aggressive animals-the Cape buffalo.
2. In contrast to the situation in traditional lion haunts, scarcity of non-buffalo prey in the Tsavo makes the Tsavo lions more aggressive.
3. The Tsavo lion is considered to be less evolved than the Serengeti variety.
4. Tsavo lions have been observed to attack vehicles as well as humans.
The Tsavo lion is considered to be less evolved than the Serengeti variety.
1. The two scientists were struck by wonder on seeing maneless lions for the first time.
2. Though Craig was an expert on the Serengeti lion, now he also knew about the Tsavo lions.
3. Earlier, Craig and West thought that amateur observers had been mistaken.
4. Craig was now able to confirm that darkening of the noses as lions aged applied to Tsavo lions as well.
Earlier, Craig and West thought that amateur observers had been mistaken.
1. Craig and Peyton develop even more serious doubts about the idea that Tsavo lions are primitive.
2. The maneless Tsavo East lions are shown to be closer to the cave lions.
3. Pleistocene cave lions are shown to be far less violent than believed.
4. The morphological variations in body and skull size between the cave and Tsavo lions are found to be insignificant.
Pleistocene cave lions are shown to be far less violent than believed.
1. The discomfort you felt with your school fellows was because both sides knew little of each other. You should not complain unless you find others prejudiced against you and have attempted to carefully analyze the faults you have observed in them.
2. The discomfort you felt with your school fellows was because both sides knew little of each other. Avoid prejudice and negative thoughts till you encounter bad behaviour from others, and then win them over by shunning the faults you have observed.
3. You encountered hardship amongst your school fellows because you did not know them well. You should learn to not make enemies because of your prejudices irrespective of their behaviour towards you.
4. You encountered hardship amongst your school fellows because you did not know them well. You should learn to not make enemies because of your prejudices unless they behave badly with you.
The discomfort you felt with your school fellows was because both sides knew little of each other. Avoid prejudice and negative thoughts till you encounter bad behaviour from others, and then win them over by shunning the faults you have observed.
1. Food eaten by people in different regions of the world depends on the climate and produce of the region, and varies from meat and fish in the Arctic to predominantly grains in the tropics.
2. Hot climates require people to eat grains while cold regions require people to eat meat and fish.
3. In hot countries people eat mainly grains while in the Arctic, they eat meat and fish because they cannot grow grains.
4. While people in Arctic regions like meat and fish and those in hot regions like India prefer mainly grains, they have to change what they eat depending on the local climate and the local produce.
Food eaten by people in different regions of the world depends on the climate and produce of the region, and varies from meat and fish in the Arctic to predominantly grains in the tropics.
1. They have a right to plunder public money from the treasury
2. They have a right to the plunder of public money from the treasury
3. Theirs is the right to plunder public money from the treasury
4. The right is theirs to plunder public money from the treasury
They have a right to plunder public money from the treasury
1. Religion and philosophy.
2. Hinduism
3. Moksha
4. The Vedas