1.  (a)

2.  (b)

3.  (c)

4.  (d)

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  (a)

2.  (b)

3.  (c)

4.  (d)

Correct Answer :


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1.  possess ______ vaguely

2.  exhibit ______ little

3.  impose ______ clearly

4.  inherit ______ consciously

5.  owns ______ surely

Correct Answer :

possess ______ vaguely

Explanation :
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1.  eagerness ______ stopped

2.  desire ______ made

3.  inability ______ proved

4.  promise ______ halted

5.  knowledge ______ showed

Correct Answer :

inability ______ proved

Explanation :
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1.  spreading ______ raising

2.  pulling ______ mounting

3.  handing ______ abating

4.  pushing ______ increasing

5.  floating ______ diminishing

Correct Answer :

pulling ______ mounting

Explanation :
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1.  desirous ______ indolent

2.  aspiring ______ sluggard

3.  slothful ______ active

4.  simple bold ______ bold

5.  ambitious ______ energetic

Correct Answer :

ambitious ______ energetic

Explanation :
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1.  wisdom ______ development

2.  accomplishment ______ dignity

3.  motivation ______ upgradation

4.  performance ______ productivity

5.  achievement ______ presentation

Correct Answer :

performance ______ productivity

Explanation :
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1.  Rigid patent laws mean essential foreign drugs are not easily available in India.

2.  Newer more effective treatments and drugs are unaffordable.

3.  Government does not adequately subsidise drugs required for treatment of these diseases.

4.  Research and development of drugs for such diseases is taken up only by advanced countries.

5.  None of these.

Correct Answer :

Rigid patent laws mean essential foreign drugs are not easily available in India.

Explanation :
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1.  To ensure that foreign countries invest in research for drugs to treat diseases like TB.

2.  To attract Indian scientists back to the country.

3.  To prevent misuse of research to make profit by competing companies.

4.  To make clinical trails more acceptable to the public.

5.  None of these.

Correct Answer :

To prevent misuse of research to make profit by competing companies.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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