1. participants who were all beautiful
2. a lot of excitement and cheerfulness in the conference hall
3. absence of black coloured girls
4. flags of various colours outside the conference hall
a lot of excitement and cheerfulness in the conference hall
1. realistic
2. despairing
3. distorted
4. uncritical
5. hopeful
1. ancient education system was the best
2. there are problems in the present educational system
3. people should do their work with detachment
4. ‘Peasant Pedagogy’ is the best book on education
5. None of these
there are problems in the present educational system
1. Modern educational is artificial
2. Indian education should borrow western ideas
3. Unemployment is the fruit of present educational system
4. Westerners are changing to non-formal education
5. Indiscriminate spread of education results into deterioration of its quality
Indian education should borrow western ideas
1. how modern societies will function without education
2. how pre-historic societies educated themselves without school
3. how education can take place outside the schools
4. how present education has created problems rather than giving solutions
5. none of these
how education can take place outside the schools
1. Lightness
2. Insight
3. Twilight
4. Blinding
5. Proficiency
1. Despression
2. Reduction
3. Subversion
4. Proficiency
5. Precipitation
1. Devoted
2. Loyal
3. Submissive
4. Conscious
5. Sincere
1. Aroma
2. Perfume
3. Smell
4. Flavour
5. Stink
1. Characteristic
2. Special
3. Specific
4. Distinct
5. Universal