1.  experts have a lot of expectations from this cleaner method of producing energy.

2.  the government is determined to extract maximum out of this technology in the near future.

3.  international lobby has been pressurizing the develop the nations to shift their energy production from coal to nuclear power.

4.  the problem of locating adequate numbers of uranium reserves to run the reactors is yet to be sorted out.

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

the problem of locating adequate numbers of uranium reserves to run the reactors is yet to be sorted out.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Overlooking the fundamental right of quality education of every child in India.

2.  Since the curricular requirements of a rural child is different from an urban child.

3.  Based on the fact that difference in the quality of schools acts as a ground for discrimination.

4.  Since a large percentage of Indian children "are getting free education.

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

Based on the fact that difference in the quality of schools acts as a ground for discrimination.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  As there is a growing consent among farmers regarding limiting the use of chemical fertilizers.

2.  As the chemical inputs in agriculture improved the yield many folds.

3.  Owing to the uninhibited use of chemical inputs in agriculture.

4.  Awareness among farmers regarding the side-effects of chemical farming grew recently.

5.  None of these.

Correct Answer :

Owing to the uninhibited use of chemical inputs in agriculture.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  government ordered an enquiry which exposed a nexus between mine operators and bureaucrats.

2.  it caused great damage to the surrounding ecosystem and the environment in general.

3.  the officials have been irresponsible in failing to bring it to the notice of the court in time.

4.  the powerful mining lobby had bribed the officials to obtain permit for mining on ecologically sensitive land.

5.  None of these.

Correct Answer :

government ordered an enquiry which exposed a nexus between mine operators and bureaucrats.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Health officials have been warning the government against transmission of contagious diseases from the slum areas to other parts of the city.

2.  Slum dwellers not only playa significant role in urban economy but also provide cheap labour for everyday work of the cities.

3.  A recent report suggested that 34 per cent of government land is illegally occupied by the slum dwellers.

4.  The slum dwellers live. in sub-human, unhygienic conditions in their tiny shanties and are very often hubs for criminal activities.

5.  None of these.

Correct Answer :

Slum dwellers not only playa significant role in urban economy but also provide cheap labour for everyday work of the cities.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Entry of various market force increased the competition faced by the indigenous organisations manifold.

2.  The severe shortage of newest technology and products in the late 1980s ended with the entry of foreign players in the Indian market.

3.  A major roadblock faced by the foreign investors was the poor infrastructural facilities which was however overtaken by the prospects seen in the huge market.

4.  India had been following a very selective and conservative economic policy during the late 1980s

5.  None of these.

Correct Answer :

India had been following a very selective and conservative economic policy during the late 1980s

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Many money lenders have been making the most out of this situation and providing loans to the rest ofthe farmers at inflated prices.

2.  There is.thus an urgent need to make the schemes and policyas simple and farmer friendly as possible.

3.  A new -loan scheme started by the government a couple of months ago proved to be a huge failure and utterly unpopular among the farmers.

4.  This situation can be improved by providing mediators to carry out a follow up of the lengthy official procedure for the farmers.

5.  None of these.

Correct Answer :

A new -loan scheme started by the government a couple of months ago proved to be a huge failure and utterly unpopular among the farmers.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Entry of various market force increased the competition faced by the indigenous organisations manifold.

2.  The severe shortage of newest technology and products in the late 1980s ended with the entry of foreign players in the Indian market.

3.  A major roadblock faced by the foreign investors was the poor infrastructural facilities which was however overtaken by the prospects seen in the huge market.

4.  India had been following a very selective and conservative economic policy during the late 1980s

5.  None of these.

Correct Answer :

A major roadblock faced by the foreign investors was the poor infrastructural facilities which was however overtaken by the prospects seen in the huge market.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Many physically challenged people have been performing as well as other students perform in their studies.

2.  The percentage of illiterate, physically challenged people in rural areas is considerably more than that in the urban areas.

3.  According to a recent survey, only two out ofnearly200 universities in India have adequate number of books in Braille.

4.  Although government has been making many provisions to improve higher education in India, no attention has been paid to the education of the physically challenged students.

5.  None of these.

Correct Answer :

None of these.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Gliding                      

2.  Surfing  

3.  Skating                 

4.  Rowing

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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