1. Countries which signed this agreement had no intention of reducing carbon emissions
2. The percentage of carbon emissions to be reduced was highest for developing countries
3. Climate economists should not have supported his agreement
4. It was a failure because developed countries backed out from the agreement
5. None of these
None of these
1. (A)
2. (B)
3. (C)
4. (D)
5. (E)
1. Countries should use more expensive and long lasting ways of reducing carbon emissions
2. Negotiations on climate change should be between scientists rather than political leaders
3. Countries should increase expenditure on research' into ways of handling climate change
4. The U.N. should finance climate research in developing countries
5. Introduce economic sanctions against countries which do not reduce carbon emissions
Countries should increase expenditure on research' into ways of handling climate change
1. Risks of global warming
2. The depletion of fossil fuel reserves
3. Technology can fight global warming
4. Global warming and decreasing GDPs
5. The inefficient non carbon sources of energy
Risks of global warming
1. To better understand how such technology can be utilized as an efficient solution to the problem of global warming
2. To ensure that the climate scientists benefit financially
3. To given developing nations an advantage over developed nations in fighting global warming
4. To highlight the risks of such techniques
5. To delay agreements on global warming for as long as possible
To better understand how such technology can be utilized as an efficient solution to the problem of global warming
1. of recognition and reward
2. of recognizing and rewarding
3. by recognizing rewards
4. it recognizes and rewards
5. No correction required
of recognition and reward
1. Pressurizing poor nations to sign agreements on carbon cuts
2. Funding carbon emission cuts in developing countries
3. Diverting research funding from disease prevention to environment protection
4. Spending trillions of dollars annually on non carbon energy research
5. None of these
Diverting research funding from disease prevention to environment protection
1. in countries
2. that countries where
3. there are countries that
4. countries that
5. No correction required.
No correction required.
1. likely temporary
2. like being temporary
3. likely to be temporary
4. temporarily likely
5. No correction required
temporarily likely
1. do not lack adequate
2. do not have adequate
3. lacking adequately
4. without adequate
5. No correction required
do not have adequate