1.  The foolish animals

2.  The pack of jackals

3.  Lord Indra, king of heavens

4.  The blue jackal

5.  Power of blue

Correct Answer :

The blue jackal

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Decided to trick the other animals in the forest.

2.  He decided to kill himself as no one would accept him

3.  He pretended to be a dog and stayed in the village.

4.  He took a shower hoping the blue colour would run off

5.  None of these 

Correct Answer :

None of these 

Explanation :
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1.  He feared they would be jealous of him.

2.  He feared they would not accept him.

3.  He feared they would recognize him.

4.  He feared they would tell the Lion, the king of the forest.

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

He feared they would recognize him.

Explanation :
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1.  The jackal would banish them all from the forest.

2.  The jackal would ensure that they be punished accordingly

3.  Lord Indra would be very happy about their misbehavior

4.  Lord Indra would destroy the forest along with all the animals.

5.  Lord Indra would no longer be the king of heavens.

Correct Answer :

Lord Indra would destroy the forest along with all the animals.

Explanation :
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1.  Because he was different from all the other

2.  Because he had an answer to all their questions.

3.  Because he claimed he was sent by Lord lndra to look after them.

4.  Because the Lion who was the king of the forest was not doing a good job.

5.  Because the Lion had accepted him as the king.

Correct Answer :

Because he claimed he was sent by Lord lndra to look after them.

Explanation :
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1.  That he be served at all times.

2.  That the pack of jackals be banished from the forest.

3.  That he be given a grand ceremony as king.

4.  That the animals in the forest worship him.

5.  That he be excluded from all work in the forest

Correct Answer :

That he be served at all times.

Explanation :
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1.  Daring

2.  Solid

3.  Violent

4.  Trained

5.  Harsh

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Objected 

2.  Said

3.  Affirmed

4.  Fought

5.  Thought

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Make a case for the closure of the World Bank since it promotes US interests over those of other countries.

2.  Illustrate how China can play a more concrete role in Africa.

3.  Criticize theWorld Bank for playing a crucial role in China’s development but neglecting Africa.

4.  Recommend that China adopt the guidelines of the World Bank to sustain growth.

5.  Use China’s success as an example of the changes required in World Bank ideology.

Correct Answer :

Use China’s success as an example of the changes required in World Bank ideology.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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