1.  warn

2.  inform

3.  notices

4.  reads

5.  wish

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  covering

2.  driving

3.  measuring

4.  following

5.  competing

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  A and B only

2.  Band C only

3.  A and C only

4.  All the three

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

A and B only

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  A only

2.  B only

3.  C only

4.  All the three

5.  None of these

Correct Answer :

A only

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Reduction in interest rates and abundance of food commodities

2.  Reduction in energy prices and increase in food commodity prices

3.  Turbulence in financial markets and escalation in production of food commodities

4.  Dipping of U.S. dollar value and volatility in commodity markets

5.  Injection of liquidity and the drop in investor confidence

Correct Answer :

Dipping of U.S. dollar value and volatility in commodity markets

Explanation :
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1.  Commodity markets have become erratic due to easy liquidity and low interest rate

2.  Governments of many countries have begun paying better prices for food commodities to ensure their farmers are taken care of

3.  Farmers in developing countries have to compulsorily produce a certain quantity of bio-fuels annually

4.  The financialization of commodity trade has resulted in a dip in prices of food products

5.  The weakening of other currencies against the US dollar has resulted in high fuel prices

Correct Answer :

Commodity markets have become erratic due to easy liquidity and low interest rate

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Volatility in commodity markets which has led to hoarding

2.  Escalating food prices caused by high interest rates

3.  Easy liquidity because of lack of investment in America

4.  Weakening of the US dollar and consequent variability in commodity markets

5.  Fluctuation in energy prices and outdated public policy

Correct Answer :

Weakening of the US dollar and consequent variability in commodity markets

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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