1. Penetrable
2. Hidden
3. Tolerable
4. Gentle
1. Surprise invasions
2. Emphasis on unconventional warfare
3. Reliance on air supremacy
4. Swift brutality
5. Napoleonic overtones
Swift brutality
1. The logistics of Hitler's war strategy and the mechanics of its failure
2. The philosophy of Hitler's war strategy and the world's reaction
3. Why Hitler believed his war plans would succeed and why they eventually failed
4. Hitler's plans and their failure with an eye to pre-1900 history
5. Explaining the source of Hitler's brutality and the reasons for its failure
Why Hitler believed his war plans would succeed and why they eventually failed
1. Governed with similar styles
2. Fought military conflicts with similar ideologies
3. In general, shared a legacy as overly ambitious leaders
4. At a high-level, some similarities in military missteps existed
5. Both suffered final defeats by impetuously charging east
At a high-level, some similarities in military missteps existed
1. Failed to demoralize opponents
2. Overlooked important tactical and geographic considerations
3. Underestimated international resolve
4. Fell behind technological advancements of European enemies
5. Failed to consolidate initial military and land gains
Overlooked important tactical and geographic considerations
1. The speed of the German military
2. The brutality of the German military
3. The plan to stifle dissent
4. The belief that instilling fear weakened enemies
5. The history of overlooking European military brutality
The history of overlooking European military brutality
1. The inaction of European neighbours
2. The example of Napoleon
3. The philosophy of Genghis Kahn
4. The counsel of a military general
5. The small size of Poland
The counsel of a military general
1. Generals summoned to Obersalzberg; Invaded Poland; Invaded Denmark; the Battle of Britain; Battle at Stalingrad
2. Generals summoned to Obersalzberg; Invaded Denmark; Invaded Poland; the Battle of Britain; Battle at Stalingrad
3. Generals summoned to Obersalzberg; Invaded Denmark; Invaded Poland; Battle at Stalingrad; the Battle of Britain
4. Generals summoned to Obersalzberg; Invaded Poland; Invaded Denmark; Battle at Stalingrad; the Battle of Britain
5. Generals summoned to Obersalzberg; the Battle of Britain; Invaded Poland; Invaded Denmark; Battle at Stalingrad
Generals summoned to Obersalzberg; Invaded Poland; Invaded Denmark; the Battle of Britain; Battle at Stalingrad
1. No clear cut answer as to the legality of SWIFT's cooperation existed
2. SWIFT failed to adequately consult its legal staff before deciding to cooperate
3. The volume of money routed through SWIFT declined after its cooperation became public
4. U.S. authorities threatened criminal charges if SWIFT refused their subpoenas
5. Treasury Department officials objected to the publication of information about its classified program
No clear cut answer as to the legality of SWIFT's cooperation existed
1. The U.S. government can subpoena information that pertains to its citizens
2. SWIFT executives believed another catastrophic attack was imminent
3. Providing data to the government based upon a valid subpoena did not explicitly violate SWIFT policy
4. Despite ostensibly poor oversight, senior Treasury Department officials assured SWIFT that data would be kept confidential
5. U.S. officials told SWIFT officials exactly why Treasury needed the information
Providing data to the government based upon a valid subpoena did not explicitly violate SWIFT policy