1. bonanza
2. disaster
3. carnival
4. affair
1. infraction, detrimentan
2. refraction, beneficial
3. refraction, beneficial
4. revolt, violent
infraction, detrimentan
1. nostalgia
2. nausea nostalgia 2) nausea 3) frustration 4) regret
3. frustration
4. regret
1. call it quits
2. appointed an heir
3. stepped down
4. none of these
appointed an heir
1. talk in public
2. uttering his thought
3. high thinking
4. thinking carefully and planning
uttering his thought
1. but to leading them through stages.
2. but to facilitating them via stages.
3. but to lead him by stages.
4. but to effect them vis-a-vis stages.
but to lead him by stages.
1. obvious
2. conspicuous
3. clear
4. minimised
1. susceptible
2. sensible
3. sensitive
4. vulnerable
1. for
2. over
3. off
4. out
1. job
2. a church-mouse
3. croesus
4. a scarecrow
a church-mouse