1.  there is a general agreement among nations as to how the threat must be met

2.  there is a disagreement among nations as to how the threat must be met

3.  if nations act now, the threat to global warming might just be met

4.  none of the above

Correct Answer :

if nations act now, the threat to global warming might just be met

Explanation :
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1.  that countries be allowed to trade their “sinks” instead of cutting down emissions

2.  that market forces be used to minimize the costs and risks of slowing economic growth

3.  that scientists still do not understand what constitutes a sink

4.  none of the above

Correct Answer :

that countries be allowed to trade their “sinks” instead of cutting down emissions

Explanation :
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1.  because nations would not be able to adhere to the deal if it was too rigid

2.  because nations might find ways of subverting the deal if it was too rigid

3.  only a deal with emissions trading could actually work

4.  a rigid deal would result in reduction of jobs and public goods

Correct Answer :

because nations would not be able to adhere to the deal if it was too rigid

Explanation :
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1.  the treaty must be a flexible one

2.  it is better to err and be flexible than not to err at all

3.  being flexible is an error

4.  a rigid deal would not serve its purpose

Correct Answer :

the treaty must be a flexible one

Explanation :
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1.  the Dasha Avatar

2.  the fact that we are now in Kali yuga

3.  theories given by Hindu mythologists

4.  none of the above

Correct Answer :

the Dasha Avatar

Explanation :
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1.  is a myth 

2.  has been put forward by scientists

3.  is a natural outcome of the cycle of birth and death

4.  none of these

Correct Answer :

has been put forward by scientists

Explanation :
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1.  to fight the forces of evil

2.  to advance his avatars

3.  to bring justice to the world

4.  none of these

Correct Answer :

to fight the forces of evil

Explanation :
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1.  the cycle of evolution and destruction is a never-ending process

2.  each cycle of evolution could be millions of years long

3.  there are always forces of good and evil fighting each other

4.  none of the above

Correct Answer :

the cycle of evolution and destruction is a never-ending process

Explanation :
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1.  modern cinema was invented in France

2.  France sabotaged the GATT trade talks to have audio-visual material exempted from free trade    agreements

3.  many countries from Brazil to Mexico have protested against American dominance of American culture

4.  none of the above

Correct Answer :

modern cinema was invented in France

Explanation :
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1.  metaphor

2.  simile

3.  analogy

4.  Paradox

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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