1. it had the means to prevent the US from taking unilateral measures.
2. they recognized the need for a rule-based environment to protect the benefits of increased trade.
3. it settles disputes more legally and more effectively.
4. its rule-based system leads to export gains.
they recognized the need for a rule-based environment to protect the benefits of increased trade.
1. integrating under one roof the agreements signed under GATT.
2. rules that create their own incentive for fulfilment.
3. grandfather-rights exceptions and defects in dispute settlement procedures.
4. ambiguities about the powers of contracting parties to make certain decisions.
integrating under one roof the agreements signed under GATT.
1. the Viet Cong did not fight like men out in the open.
2. the Viet Cong allied with American enemies.
3. the Viet Cong took strategic advice from. Mao Zedong.
4. the Viet Cong used bows and arrows rather than conventional weapons.
the Viet Cong did not fight like men out in the open.
1. The Americans failed to implement their military strategies many miles away from their own country.
2. The Americans were unable to use their technologies like intelligence satellite effectively to detect enemy movements.
3. The Americans failed to understand the Asian culture of war that was based on stealth and surprise.
4. Clausewitz is inferior to Sun-tzu.
The Americans failed to understand the Asian culture of war that was based on stealth and surprise.
1. reading reveals the writing till the act of reading lasts.
2. writing to be meaningful needs the concrete act of reading.
3. this art is anticipated and progresses on a series of hypotheses.
4. this literary object has a moving horizon brought about by the very act of creation.
reading reveals the writing till the act of reading lasts.
1. reveals the essentiality of revelation.
2. makes us feel essential vis-a-vis nature.
3. creates reality.
4. reveals nature in its permanence.
makes us feel essential vis-a-vis nature.
1. Clausewitz's support for militarism as against Sun-tzu's opposition to it.
2. their relative degrees of sophistication.
3. their attitude to guerrilla warfare.
4. their differing conceptions of the structure, time and sequence of a war.
their differing conceptions of the structure, time and sequence of a war.
1. Actual combat is the principal means of subduing an adversary.
2. War should be undertaken only after thorough preparation.
3. War is linked to politics.
4. War should not be left to the generals alone.
Actual combat is the principal means of subduing an adversary.
1. Indirect attacks without frontal attacks.
2. The swordsman charging forward to obliterate the enemy once and for all.
3. Manipulation of an adversary without his knowledge.
4. Subduing an enemy without fighting.
The swordsman charging forward to obliterate the enemy once and for all.
1. the Vietnamese understood the local terrain better.
2. the lack of support for the war from the American people.
3. the failure of the U.S. to mobilize its military strength.
4. their inability to fight a war on terms other than those they understood well.
their inability to fight a war on terms other than those they understood well.