1. John Ruskin
2. Goldsmith
3. Adam Smith
4. William Morris
Adam Smith
1. The distribution of leisure is not a term that can be explained in a few words
2. If people wear clothes they hardly seem to think about the method of production
3. Machines are the gods of our age and there seems to be no atheists.
4. Cannot be determined from the passage.
The distribution of leisure is not a term that can be explained in a few words
1. vindictive
2. chauvinistic
3. satirical
4. demeaning
1. the more wealthy people get, they become more and more corrupt.
2. the more rich people get, they forget the nuances of individual ability
3. people may have a lot of money, but they have to die and decay someday
4. the more a company gets wealthy the less they take care of people.
the more rich people get, they forget the nuances of individual ability
1. when Britain was still a colonial power.
2. when the author was in a bad mood.
3. when the author was working in the foreign service of Britain
4. when the author’s country was overrun by the British.
when Britain was still a colonial power.
1. that they want to civilise the underdeveloped countries of the world by giving them their goods
2. that they have to have new places to sell their surplus goods
3. that they actually want to rule new lands and selling goods is an excuse
4. None of the above.
that they actually want to rule new lands and selling goods is an excuse
1. Because they find it easier to rule there.
2. Because civilised countries would make them pay protection duties
3. Because civilised countries would make their own goods.
4. Because uncivilised countries like the cheap and gaudy goods of bad quality all capitalists produce.
Because civilised countries would make them pay protection duties
1. is usually not found in simple tribes but civilised people
2. is usually found in the barbaric tribes of the uncivilised nations
3. is a habit limited only to English ladies of high position.
4. is a usual habit with all white skinned people.
is usually not found in simple tribes but civilised people
1. The race of people he belongs to are looters and plunderers.
2. The capitalists are taking over the entire world.
3. It is a way of life for English ladies to loot and plunder
4. The English taxpayer has to pay for the upkeep of territories he did not want
The English taxpayer has to pay for the upkeep of territories he did not want
1. believes that people can help themselves and do not need the government
2. believes that the theory of helping people with subsidy is destructive.
3. believes in democracy and free speech.
4. is not a successful politician.
is not a successful politician.