1. Failure
2. Prominent
3. Under
4. Trial
5. Importance
1. Ground
2. Cloudy
3. Damp
4. Wet
5. Eager
1. Opaque
2. Fog
3. Growth
4. Evidence
5. Universal
1. Upper
2. Long
3. Length
4. Temper
5. Bottom
1. Defeat
2. Hunger
3. Difference
4. Various
5. Numerous
1. Bind
2. Diverse
3. Assorted
4. Vice
5. Healthy
1. Troubled
2. Travel
3. Joyful
4. Event
5. Growth
1. Terror
2. Height
3. Universal
4. Reveal
5. Horror
1. A long series of picture-characters go to make the Japanese script
2. Even the semi-literate peasant and artisan can quickly learn the Japanese script
3. In ancient times ordinary people were encouraged to learn the Japanese script
4. The picture characters are like Braille which the blind can also read
A long series of picture-characters go to make the Japanese script
1. The teachings of Lao Tze
2. Japanese life and culture
3. Folk tales of Japan
4. Ancient Japanese education system
Japanese life and culture