1. Devotion; submerging
2. care; enduring
3. Sympathy; overpowering
4. discipline; defeating
5. None of above
None of above
1. Avenging; tragedy
2. revenging; incidence
3. Placating; nawab
4. punishing; hooligans
5. Managing; comedy
punishing; hooligans
1. Held; quavering
2. grabbed; embarrassing
3. Caught; inspiring
4. gobbled; sophisticated
5. Swayed; annoying
grabbed; embarrassing
1. Visualize; attain
2. envy; emulate
3. Estimate; examine
4. aggrandize; suppress
5. Follow; target
envy; emulate
1. Elevate
2. transcend
3. turn-away
4. swerve
5. Raise
1. Illustration
2. array
3. Outline
4. extension
5. Abode
1. Agrarian
2. illuminating
3. Belligerent
4. pliable
5. Palatable
1. Devilish
2. shallow
3. Murmurous
4. appreciative
5. Mute
1. Immutable fixed exchange rate.
2. Managed-floating exchange rate.
3. Free-floating exchange rate.
4. Any of the above, depending upon the prevailing over-all economic situation
5. None of the above
Managed-floating exchange rate.
1. A country has to give up its independent monetary policy in fixed exchange rate mechanism.
2. With a managed float exchange rate mechanism effectiveness of the fiscal policy is at stakes.
3. Managed float exchange rate mechanism is most appropriate
4. Both A and B
5. None of the above
Both A and B