1. Aggression
2. Submission
3. Assertion
4. Ignorance
5. Lethargy
1. Illegitimately
2. Unconditionally
3. Insensitively
4. Uninterrupted
5. Intermittently
1. Non-communicable
2. diseases
3. are a major
4. concerned
5. for people in this region.All Correct
1. The industry is poised
2. for a quantum
3. jump as it has ventured into Indian markets which have excellent
4. growth opportunities
5. All Correct
All Correct
1. The Government administration is required to undergo
2. a radicle
3. transformation
4. for better service orientation
5. All Correct
a radicle
1. The squwad
2. that was entrusted with the task of detection
3. of explosives and their neutralization
4. hascompleted the assignment
The squwad
1. The equipments
2. used for surveillance
3. must be reliability
4. and of appropriate
5. quality.All Correct
must be reliability
1. fell up from
2. fell off from
3. fell out off
4. fell from off
5. No correction required
fell off from
1. of dedicated
2. of having dedication in
3. of dedication to
4. for dedication at
5. No correction required
of dedication to
1. significant in change among the structures
2. significant changing structures
3. significantly changing throughout the structures
4. significant change among the structure
5. No correction required
No correction required