1.  Prior to 1960, psychoanalysts and their patients were serious and demure

2.  Buddhism, Zen and Vedanta are not considered forms of ecstasy

3.  Western civilization was not characterized by materialistic greed

4.  In the search for ecstasy, the hippies went overboard

Correct Answer :

In the search for ecstasy, the hippies went overboard

Explanation :
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1.  Confusion

2.  Amazement

3.  Delight

4.  Dismay

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Threat of nuclear was and biological warfare

2.  Focus on issues related to environment and ecology

3.  The interest is space travel and further investment in military equipment

4.  Institutionalization of the process of mysticism by institutes such as Mid-peninsula Free University

Correct Answer :

Focus on issues related to environment and ecology

Explanation :
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1.  It was more important to enjoy the experience than enjoy the financial benefits that accrue from it

2.  The fear of being “nuked” was absent in their predecessors

3.  Celibacy and renunciation were opposites of mysticism and ecstasy

4.  United States had to opposed as it favoured the Church in persecution of mysticism

Correct Answer :

It was more important to enjoy the experience than enjoy the financial benefits that accrue from it

Explanation :
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1.  That definition of mysticism changed significantly

2.  That the popularity of Yoga, Buddhism, Zen and Vedanta increased exponentially

3.  That there was a sudden increase globally in the number of people pursuing the path of mysticism

4.  That youth, for the first time, joined the followers of ecstasy in hordes

Correct Answer :

That there was a sudden increase globally in the number of people pursuing the path of mysticism

Explanation :
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1.  Homo-sapiens learns words because it is in their genes to do so, and that cannot be taken away.

2.  While the mind is ready to learn things in a particular way it requires to be triggered to actually learn.

3.  People of different cultures not only speak different languages, but also inherit different sensory worlds.

4.  The mind of a new-born child is like an empty vessel, waiting to be filled,

Correct Answer :

While the mind is ready to learn things in a particular way it requires to be triggered to actually learn.

Explanation :
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1.  All Indian wolves howl at those times.

2.  During her formative years, she was exposed to howling at these specified times and she too acquired the pattern.

3.  She was rewarded for howling at these times

4.  None of the above

Correct Answer :

During her formative years, she was exposed to howling at these specified times and she too acquired the pattern.

Explanation :
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1.  Informative

2.  Analytical

3.  Argumentative

4.  Cynical.

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  The mind is shaped more by our interaction with others, rather then confrontation with worldly things.

2.  All children demonstrate a readiness towards learning a new language only in their formative years

3.  Parental focus on learning is solely responsible for acquisition of knowledge in a child.

4.  Archetype can be revealed by the hypothetical peeling of the psyche, layer by layer.

Correct Answer :

The mind is shaped more by our interaction with others, rather then confrontation with worldly things.

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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