1. believes that people can help themselves and do not need the government
2. believes that the theory of helping people with subsidy is destructive.
3. believes in democracy and free speech.
4. is not a successful politician.
is not a successful politician.
1. fiction
2. fact
3. fact, according to the author
4. fiction, according to the author
fiction, according to the author
1. Where subsidies are concerned, the poor ultimately pay the tab
2. Inflation is caused by too much subsidies.
3. Experts call subsidies the most regressive form of taxation
4. The dangerous reduction in fiscal deficits is another result of high subsidies.
Where subsidies are concerned, the poor ultimately pay the tab
1. The countries’ belief in the efficacy of the system was bound to turn out to be false
2. The system followed by these countries is the best available in the present context.
3. Every thing under this system was supposed to be free but people were charging money for them
4. The theory or system followed by these countries was devised by Dr Utopia.
The countries’ belief in the efficacy of the system was bound to turn out to be false
1. There’s no such thing as a free lunch
2. The Indian Economic overview
3. The government and its follies.
4. It takes two to tango.
It takes two to tango.
1. The poor
2. The Delhi Transport Corporation
3. The Andhra Pradesh government
4. All of the above
The poor
1. the strength of their brands is sufficient to ward off competitors.
2. price is not an important factor contributing to sales in the online medium.
3. online pricing is not a useful technique as there is no difference between online and offline selling.
4. establishing their online presence is more important than waiting for concrete pricing policies to emerge.
the strength of their brands is sufficient to ward off competitors.
1. within which price changes have little or no impact on consumers’ willingness to buy.
2. within which the profits of the selling company is dramatically affected.
3. bounded by the online price on one side and the off line price on the other.
4. determined by the way market mechanism works.
within which price changes have little or no impact on consumers’ willingness to buy.
1. estranged
2. strained
3. fulfilling
4. perfect
1. was apprehensive about exposing her true feelings.
2. had decided not to reveal her emotional turmoil to the outside world.
3. had decided to sort out her problems on her own.
4. did not want sympathy from the society.
had decided not to reveal her emotional turmoil to the outside world.