1. Religious, technological
2. Cultural, ethnic
3. Political, economic
4. Ideological, cultural
Ideological, cultural
1. Paradox, tries
2. Irony, intends
3. Paradox,needs
4. Irony,wishes
Irony, intends
1. Abhorrent,fly
2. Creative, die
3. Inspiring, lose
4. Inspiring, win
Inspiring, win
1. Revived,strange
2. Revived,strange
3. Attracted, oddballs
4. Repulsed, demi-gods
Attracted, oddballs
1. Excitement, cheers
2. Frustration, song
3. Envy, flames
4. Delight, tears
Excitement, cheers
1. Minute
2. Came to know
3. Issued a charge
4. Went on a boycott
5. None of the above
Went on a boycott
1. You can’t hear a pin drop nowadays
2. Capitalism and labour disintegration: pinning the blame
3. The saga of the non-safety pins.
4. Reaching the pinnacle of capitalistic success
Capitalism and labour disintegration: pinning the blame
1. The cost of pins is more nowadays to produce
2. Earlier, workmen made pins with a lot of love and care
3. Pinball machines are the standard pin producing gadgets nowadays
4. It took far longer to make a pin earlier.
It took far longer to make a pin earlier.
1. Because he thinks that Adam Smith was a boaster without any facts to back his utterance
2. Because he wants to give us an example of something undesirable that Adam Smith was proud of
3. Because he is proud to be a believer in a tenet of production that even a great man like Adam Smith boasted about
4. Because he feels that Adam Smith was right when he said that it took eighteen men to make a pin
Because he wants to give us an example of something undesirable that Adam Smith was proud of
1. is a supporter of craftsmanship over bulk mechanised production.
2. is a supporter of assembly line production over socialistic systems of the same
3. is a defender of the faith in capitalistic production.
4. None of the above.
is a supporter of craftsmanship over bulk mechanised production.