1. Increase in profitability of the three airlines.
2. Extension of the discount scheme to other routes
3. A study that shows that air travellers in India are price-conscious
4. A study that shows that as much as 80% of air travel in India is company-sponsored
A study that shows that air travellers in India are price-conscious
1. Reciting the Vedas was a Brahmin’s obligation
2. The Vedic priest was like a recorded audio cassette
3. McNeill studied the behaviour of Brahmin priests
4. Vedic hymns had not been scripted
The Vedic priest was like a recorded audio cassette
1. The investible income of the working population, as a proportion of its total income, will grow in the future.
2. The insurance sector is underdeveloped and trends indicate that it will be extensively privatised in the future.
3. India is on a path of development that will take it to a developed country status, with all its positive and negative implications
4. If the working population builds a stronger financial base, there will be a revival of the joint family system.
India is on a path of development that will take it to a developed country status, with all its positive and negative implications
1. In regions where there is little variety in flora, educational performance is seen to be as good as in regions with high variety in flora, when poverty levels are high
2. Regions which show high biodiversity also exhibit poor educational performance, at low levels of poverty.
3. Regions which show high biodiversity reveal high levels of poverty and poor educational performance
4. In regions where there is low biodiversity, at all levels of poverty, educational performance is seen to be good.
In regions where there is low biodiversity, at all levels of poverty, educational performance is seen to be good.
1. The cigarette manufacturers’ association has decided to indulge in aggressive promotion.
2. There is a likelihood that tobacco consumers will shift to cigarette smoking if cigarette prices were to reduce.
3. The cigarette manufacturers are lobbying for a reduction on duties.
4. An increase in duties on non-cigarette tobacco may lead to a shift in favor of cigarette smoking
There is a likelihood that tobacco consumers will shift to cigarette smoking if cigarette prices were to reduce.
1. The potential of the productivity enhancing measures implemented up to now has been exhausted.
2. The total company land under coffee has remained constant since 1969 when an estate in the Nilgiri Hills was acquired.
3. The sensitivity of the crop to climatic factors makes predictions about production uncertain
4. The target-setting procedures in the company have been proved to the sound by the achievement of the 8000 tonne target.
The potential of the productivity enhancing measures implemented up to now has been exhausted.
1. The definition of gross enrolment ratio does not exclude, in its numerator, children below 6 years or above 10 years enrolled in classes one to five.
2. A school attendance study found that many children enrolled in the school records were not meeting a minimum attendance requirement of 80 percent
3. A study estimated that close to 22 percent of children enrolled in the class one records were below 6 years of age and still to start going to school.
4. Demographic surveys show shifts in the population profile which indicate that the number of children in the age group 6 to 10 years is declining
A study estimated that close to 22 percent of children enrolled in the class one records were below 6 years of age and still to start going to school.
1. Certain clubs took advantage of the situation by hiring above-average shares of black players
2. Clubs hired white players at relatively high wages and did not show proportionately good performance.
3. During the study period, clubs in towns with a history of discrimination against blacks, under-performed relative to their wage bills.
4. Clubs in one region, which had higher proportions of black players, had significantly lower wage bills than their counterparts in another region which had predominantly white players.
Clubs hired white players at relatively high wages and did not show proportionately good performance.
1. comes, figures
2. arises, adds
3. emerges, combines
4. appeared, combines
emerges, combines
1. make-up, realise
2. expression, ascertain
3. emotion, diagnose
4. scars, understand
expression, ascertain