1. Humble – Notice
2. Rest – Recognize
3. Close – Action
4. Relation – Close
5. None of the above
Rest – Recognize
1. People – Communication
2. Interrelate – Trainers
3. Capabilities – Growing
4. Exclusive – Requirements
5. Converse – Natural
People – Communication
1. Dolphin – Support
2. Hunt – Combine
3. Activities – Through
4. Intelligence – Financial
5. Protection - Growing
Intelligence – Financial
1. Fangtooth
2. Stone fish
3. Piper fish
4. Star fish
5. None of the above
1. Semenatica
2. Anoplogaster cornuta
3. Feronatica
4. Temonatica
5. None of the above
1. Ogrefish
2. Piper fish
3. Crocodile fish
4. Stone fish
5. None of the above
1. Fangtooth
2. Piper fish
3. Star fish
4. Stone fish
5. None of the above
1. Provide
2. Lateral
3. Balance
4. Develop
5. None of the above
1. Seahorse
2. Sea life
3. Piper fish
4. Juvenile sea horse
5. None of the above
1. Deep – Syngnathidae
2. Animal – Belong
3. Beautiful – Piper fish
4. Scientifically – Species
5. Seahorse – Resemble
Deep – Syngnathidae