1.  thermal limit

2.  voltage drop

3.  stability limit

4.  corona loss

Correct Answer :

stability limit

Explanation :
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1.  100% loading of line

2.  50 % loading of line

3.  zero loading of line

4.  none of these

Correct Answer :

zero loading of line

Explanation :
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1.  40 MVA

2.  30 MVA

3.  27 MVA

4.  none of these

Correct Answer :

27 MVA

Explanation :
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1.  108.9 and 2560 MW

2.  44 and 2560 MW

3.  44 and 640 MW

4.  640 and 44 MW

Correct Answer :

44 and 640 MW

Explanation :
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1.  conductors size is reduced

2.  smooth conductor is reduced

3.  sharp points are provided m the line hardware

4.  current density in conductors is reduced

Correct Answer :

smooth conductor is reduced

Explanation :
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1.  prevent earth fault

2.  provide a safety measure for any high-flying object

3.  provide a shield to the phase conductors from direct lightning stroke

4.    provide mechanical strength to the towers

Correct Answer :

provide a shield to the phase conductors from direct lightning stroke

Explanation :
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1.  determina is unity

2.  determinant is zero

3.  determinant is infinity

4.  rank is unity

Correct Answer :

determinant is zero

Explanation :
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1.  time taken to perform one iteration in the NR method is less when compared to the time taken in the GS method

2.  number of iterations required in the NR method is more when compared to that in the GS method

3.  number of iterations :required is not independent of the size of the system in the NR method

4.  convergence characteristics of the NR method are not affected by the selection of slack bus

Correct Answer :

convergence characteristics of the NR method are not affected by the selection of slack bus

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  mostly reactive

2.  mostly active

3.  active and reactive both equal

4.  reactive only

Correct Answer :

mostly reactive

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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