1. 1997
2. 1998
3. 2001
4. Cannot be determined
5. None of these.
1. No machine
2. III
3. IV
4. IT
5. None of these.
No machine
1. 19.99,IV
2. 1998,IV
3. 1997,III
4. 1996,IV
5. None of these.
None of these.
1. As the machine becomes older, the production goes down
2. The production goes down in the initial two or three years then it starts improving
3. All the fluctuations from one year to the other are in the range of 100
4. Each even-numbered machine produces more than the odd-numbered.
5. None of these.
None of these.
1. I
2. II
3. V
4. VI
5. None of these.
1. Nil
2. One
3. Two
4. Three
5. None of these.
1. 30
2. 20
3. 40
4. 35
5. None of these.
1. 202800
2. 156000
3. 234000
4. Cannot be determined
5. None of these.
None of these.
1. 75000
2. 750000
3. 175000
4. Cannot be determined
5. None of these.
Cannot be determined
1. 1995
2. 1998
3. 1999
4. 1996
5. None of these.
None of these.