1. Instant Messaging
2. Search Engines
3. Browsers
4. Mark-up Languages
5. Online Advertising
Online Advertising
1. Left
2. Right
3. Center
4. Diagonal
5. Justify
1. Goto
2. Table
3. Diagram
4. Formula and Function
5. None of these
None of these
1. Multiplexer
2. Multiplier
3. Multimedia
4. Multiuser
1. E-seva
2. E-Trading
3. E-Finance
4. E-Sales
5. E-Commerce
1. Centralized Computing
2. Co-operative Computing
3. Distributed Computing
4. Connected Computing
Distributed Computing
1. Drag the scroll box on the scroll bars.
2. Delete the margin boundaries on the ruler
3. Right Click on the ruler
4. Drag the margin boundaries on the ruler
Drag the margin boundaries on the ruler
1. It is more than 10 times as fast as USB 2.0
2. Its Data transfer rate is up to 5 Gbits/sec
3. Power consumption is less than USB 2.0
4. All the above
All the above
1. Libraries
2. Super markets
3. Stock markets
4. Banking Industry
Stock markets
1. Half-Duplex
2. None of these
3. Full-Duplex
4. Broadcast
5. Only 1 and 2