1. Tiny power cords for external storage devices
2. Experts who know to maximize the performance of devices
3. Small, Special-purpose programs
4. The innermost part of the operating system
5. Subsitutes for operating systems
The innermost part of the operating system
1. Operating system
2. Computer
3. Office
4. Compiler
5. Interpreter
1. LAN
2. DSL
3. RAM
4. USB
5. CPU
1. Mentor
2. Instructor
3. Compiler
4. Program
5. Debugger
1. Forward it to the police immediately
2. Delete it without opening it
3. Open it and respond to them saying you don’t know them
4. Reply and ask them for their personal information
5. Reply and tell them you want to keep in touch with them
Delete it without opening it
1. Vertical market applications
2. Utilities
3. Algorithms
4. Integrated software
5. Compilers
Vertical market applications
1. Shareware
2. Public-domain software
3. Open-source software
4. A vertical market application
5. An application suite
An application suite
1. Run faster
2. Go on line
3. Share information and / or share peripheral equipment
4. E-mail
5. None of these
Share information and / or share peripheral equipment
1. RAM
2. DSL
3. USB
4. LAN
5. CPU
1. Flash memory
3. Bays
4. Buses
5. Peripherals