1. is used for routing floods through reservoirs
2. is a method of routing that uses continuity and momentun equations
3. is a hydrologic method of routing floods through streams
4. is one is which only energy equation is used
is a method of routing that uses continuity and momentun equations
1. Motion of submarine at large depths
2. Motion of ship in deep seas
3. Cruising of a misssile in air
4. Flow over spillways
Flow over spillways
1. Half the top width is equal to one of the side slope
2. Half the top width plus the bottom width is equal to both the side slopes put together
3. Water depth is equal to half bottom width
4. Hydraulic mean depth is equal to half the top width
Water depth is equal to half bottom width
1. specific weight of water, thickness of the aquifer, compressibility of the aquifer and that of water
2. permeability, thickness and compressibility of aquifer and compressibility of water
3. transmissibility of the aquifer and compressibility of water
4. transmissibility of aquifer and specific yield of aquifer
transmissibility of the aquifer and compressibility of water
1. Capillary potential and permeability
2. Evapotranspiration and capillary potential
3. Velocity in channels and vapour pressure
4. Velocity in pipes and pressure head
Evapotranspiration and capillary potential
1. chemical precipitation
2. sedimentation
3. activated sludge process
4. chlorination
chemical precipitation
1. it is a function of the rate of addition of oxygen to the stream
2. it is a function of the rate of depletion of oxygen from the stream
3. it is a function of both addition and depletion of oxygen from the stream
4. the rate of addition is linear but the rate of depletion is non-linear
it is a function of both addition and depletion of oxygen from the stream
1. velocity gradient and the volume of mixing basin
2. viscosity and velocity gradient
3. viscosity, velocity gradient and the volume of the mixing basin
4. detention time and viscosity of water
detention time and viscosity of water
1. Sand of grain size from 0.1 to 2 mm
2. Activated carbon granules of size 0.1 to 2 mm
3. Ordinary wood shavings of fine size
4. Coal-tar
Sand of grain size from 0.1 to 2 mm
1. Chlorine dioxide
2. Chlorine
3. Ozone
4. UV-radiation
Chlorine dioxide