1. the bending stresses in the flanges
2. the vertical shear force at the section
3. the horizontal shear force between the flanges and the web plate
4. the forces causing buckling in the web
the horizontal shear force between the flanges and the web plate
1. increase by 5 γw
2. remain unchanged
3. decrease by 5 gw
4. decrease by 10 gw
decrease by 5 gw
1. unsymmetric
2. always symmetric
3. skew symmetric
4. sometimes symmetric
always symmetric
1. A is symmetric
2. A is singular
3. A is non singular
4. A is skew symmetric
A is symmetric
1. e-as/s
2. se-as
3. s-u(0)
4. se-as-1
1. ƒx (a,b)= ƒy(a,b) = 0; ƒsy2- ƒxx ƒyy
2. ƒx (a,b)= 0; ƒy(a,b) = 0; ƒxy2- ƒxx . ƒyy>0 at (a,b)
3. ƒx (a,b)= 0; ƒy(a,b) = 0; ƒxx- and ƒyy
4. ƒx (a,b)= 0; ƒy(a,b) = 0; ƒxx2 – ƒxx . ƒyy = 0 at (a,b)
ƒx (a,b)= ƒy(a,b) = 0; ƒsy2- ƒxx ƒyy<0 at (a,b)
1. 43 mm water (vacuum)
2. 43 mm water
3. 86 mm water
4. 100 mm water
43 mm water
1. 600
2. 450
3. 300
4. None in (00,900)
1. v= 0
2. v = 1.5 y
3. v = -1.5x
4. v = -1.5 y
v = -1.5 y
1. 4M0/L
2. 6M0/L
3. 8M0/L
4. 12M0/L