1. Taenia-Polymorphism
2. Pheretima- Sexual dimorphism
3. Musca-Complete metamorphism
4. Chamelon-Mimicry
Musca-Complete metamorphism
1. Corpora allata
2. Pineal gland
3. Hypothalamus
4. Prothoracic gland
Prothoracic gland
1. malpighian tubule
2. nephridia
3. solenocyte
4. green gland
green gland
1. prawn
2. limulus
3. pila
4. tortoise
1. multicellular having tissue organization, but body cavity
2. multicellular with a gastrovascular system
3. multicellular without any tissue organization
4. unicellular or acellular
multicellular without any tissue organization
1. Miracidium and metacercaria
2. Redia and miracidium
3. Cercaria and redia
4. Metacercaria and cercaria
Miracidium and metacercaria
1. cockroach
2. frog
3. human
4. sunflower
1. Platyhelminthes
2. Echinodermata
3. Arthropoda
4. Annelida
1. Platyhelminthes
2. Nematodes
3. Earthworm
4. Echinoderm
1. Jelly Fish and Star Fish-Radial symmetry
2. Hydra and Shark-Bilateral symmetry
3. Tape worm and Octopus-Radial symmetry
4. Amoeba and Sea Urchin-Asymmetry
Jelly Fish and Star Fish-Radial symmetry