1. 9 oxodec-2 enoic acid
2. 3 oxodec-9 enoic acid
3. 2 oxodec-3 enoic acid
4. None of the above
9 oxodec-2 enoic acid
1. Heterometabolous
2. Hemimetabolous
3. Homometabolous
4. Holometabolous
1. Honey bee
2. Red ants
3. Gryllus
4. Cimax
Red ants
1. Mouth
2. Legs
3. Spinnerets
4. Salivary glands
1. Egg
2. Caterpillar
3. Cocoon
4. Adult
1. Bombyx
2. Laccifer lacca
3. Apis
4. Lepisma
Laccifer lacca
1. Labial gland
2. Wall of the pharynx
3. Mandibular gland
4. All the above
Labial gland
1. Apis
2. Blister beetle
3. Lepisma
4. Culex
Blister beetle
1. Dung beetle
2. Bombyx
3. Wasp
4. Dragon fly
1. Apis
2. Lepisma
3. Boll Weevil
4. Dung beetle
Boll Weevil