1. Green algae and ascomycetes
2. Brown algae and higher plants
3. Blue green algae and basidiomycetes
4. Red algae and ascomycetes
Green algae and ascomycetes
1. Family and genus
2. Genus and order
3. Genus and species
4. Species and variety
Genus and species
1. Genus
2. Family
3. Phylum
4. Order
1. Apogamy
2. Apospory
3. Hypogamy
4. Hypospory
1. Homosporous
2. Heterosporous
3. Either (A) or (B)
4. Both (A) and(B)
1. Lack of vascular tissues and absence of roots
2. Terrestrial habitat, multicellular sex organs and multicelluler sporophytes
3. Autotrophic mode of nutrition
4. Flagellated male gametes
Terrestrial habitat, multicellular sex organs and multicelluler sporophytes
1. Two
2. Three
3. One
4. Four
1. Ever green
2. Perennial woody trees
3. Shrubs
4. All of these
All of these
1. 100
2. 170
3. 210
4. 400
1. Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b
2. Chlorophyll a and carotenes
3. Chlorophyll b and carotenes
4. Phycobilins and carotenes
Chlorophyll a and carotenes