1. Generally at night during rainy season
2. Generally at day time during rainy season
3. At night during winter season
4. At night during summer season.
Generally at night during rainy season
1. Bean
2. Castor
3. Gram
4. Pea
1. Straight lobe
2. Vesicle
3. Funnel
4. Mode of action
1. Azotobacter
2. Rhizobium
3. Nitrosomonas
4. Nitrobacter
1. Motor
2. Sensory
3. Adjustor
4. Motor, sensory and adjustor
Motor, sensory and adjustor
1. largest in size
2. double the size of integumentary nephridia
3. Both (A) and (B)
4. smallest in size
Both (A) and (B)
1. A semipermeable membrane into the cytoplasm by selective absorption
2. Perforations at the apex of root permeable
3. The cell wall which is permeable
4. None of the above
A semipermeable membrane into the cytoplasm by selective absorption
1. 7
2. 11
3. 13
4. 14
1. It has brain but no head
2. It has locomotory organs
3. It secretes cocoon around unfertilized egg
4. It can crawl on smooth surface easily.
It has brain but no head
1. Bending of leaf tip
2. Interveinal chlorosis first in young leaves
3. Decrease in protein synthesis
4. Reduced leaves and stunted growth
Interveinal chlorosis first in young leaves