1. First segment
2. 2 nd segment
3. Not a segment
4. Part of reproductive system
Not a segment
1. First and last segment
2. First segment and the clitellum
3. Clitellum, first and anal segments
4. Clitellum and last segment.
Clitellum, first and anal segments
1. First three segments
2. 14,15 and 16 segments
3. Last three segments
4. 19, 20 and 21 segments
14,15 and 16 segments
1. Copulation
2. Cocoon formation
3. Digestion
4. Locomotion
Cocoon formation
1. Oesophagus
2. Stomach
3. Rectum
4. Typhlosole
1. longitudinal muscles contract first
2. circular muscles contract first
3. both muscles contract simultaneously
4. both muscles relax simultaneously
circular muscles contract first
1. Pelagic
2. Planktons
3. Freshwater form
4. Benthos.
1. Albumen
2. Mucin
3. Mucin and proteases
4. None of the above
Mucin and proteases
1. From infront backward
2. From behind forward
3. In both directions
4. None of the above
From behind forward
1. 12 th and 13 th
2. 10 th and 11 th
3. 7 th and 9 th
4. Both 1st and 3 rd
7 th and 9 th