1. Nereis
2. Aphrodite
3. Polynoe
4. All of above
All of above
1. Oligochaeta
2. Polychaeta
3. Diplopoda
4. Chiropoda
1. Homonomous
2. Heteronomous
3. Both A and B
4. None of above
Both A and B
1. Scale worm
2. Paloloworm
3. Lugworm
4. Sea mouse
Sea mouse
1. parapodia
2. setae
3. suckers
4. body muscles and suckers
body muscles and suckers
1. Ammonia
2. Urea
3. Uric acid
4. Amino acids
1. Unisexual
2. bisexual
3. dioecious
4. None of above.
1. Prostomium
2. Peristomium
3. Third segment
4. Second segment
Third segment
1. nephridiopores
2. nephrostome
3. dorsal pores
4. spermathecal pores.
dorsal pores
1. II Indirect development
2. Protandry
3. Extracellular digestion
4. Closed circulatory system
II Indirect development