1. Mesoderm
2. Ectoderm
3. Endoderm
4. All of these
1. Mesodaeum
2. Proctodaeum
3. Stomodaeum
4. Both (b) and (c)
Both (b) and (c)
1. Man and ape
2. Cow and goat
3. Deer and camel
4. Rat and rabbit
Rat and rabbit
1. Penetration of sperm in the egg
2. Fertlizin-antifertilizin reaction
3. Formation of the fertilization cone
4. Formation of fertilization membrane
Fertlizin-antifertilizin reaction
1. Holoblastic and equal
2. Holoblastic and unequal
3. Meroblastic discoidal
4. Meroblastic superficial
Holoblastic and unequal
1. Ectoderm
2. Endoderm
3. Mesoderm
4. Ectomesoderm
1. Amnion
2. Chorion
3. Allantois
4. Allantois,chorion and uterine wall
Allantois,chorion and uterine wall
1. Last menstruation
2. Fertilization
3. Next menstruation
4. Puberty
Last menstruation
1. Ectoderm
2. Endoderm
3. Mesoderm
4. None of these
None of these
1. Germinal vesicle
2. Yolk
3. Pigment
4. Grey crescent