1. Coelenterata
2. Platyhelminthes.
3. Aschelminthes
4. Echinodermata.
1. ψw = ψm +ψa + ψp
2. ψw = ψm + (ψs - ψp)
3. ψw = ψm - (ψs + ψp)
4. ψw = ψm - ψa - ψp
ψw = ψm +ψa + ψp
1. acoelomates
2. pseudo-acoelomates
3. pseudo-coelomates
4. coelomates
1. Forces created in the cells of the root
2. Increased respiratory activity in root cells
3. Tension on the cell sap due to transpiration
4. Osmotic force in the shoot system
Tension on the cell sap due to transpiration
1. Remain closed at night
2. Remain closed during day
3. Remain always open
4. Do not show any specificity in opening and closing
Remain always open
1. Fasciola
2. Paragonimus
3. Diplozoan
4. Taenia
1. Schistosoma
2. Paragonimus
3. Fasciola
4. Opisthorchis.
1. Liver fluke
2. Lung fluke
3. Intenstinal fluke
4. Tapeworm
1. Ectothelial eggs
2. Endothelial eggs
3. Both (A) and (B)
4. None of above.
Ectothelial eggs
1. Hexacanth
2. Onchosphere
3. Cysticercus
4. Adult worm