1. Amnion
2. Allantois
3. Chorion
4. All of these
1. Cleavage
2. Fertilization
3. Gametogenesis
4. Gastrulation
1. Mycorrhizae
2. Convertible phloem
3. Casparian channels along the phloem
4. Companion cells
1. Ovoviviparous
2. Oviparous
3. Parthenogenetic
4. Viviparous
1. Morphogrnrtic movements
2. Differentiation of archenteron
3. Differentiation of three germ layers
4. All of the above
All of the above
1. Higher
2. Lower
3. Equal
4. None of the above
1. Animal pole
2. Vegetal pole
3. Micropyle
4. Megapyle
Animal pole
1. The net movement of water will be from cell X to the surrounding cells
2. Net movement of water will be form the surrounding cells to cell X
3. Water will not move at all
4. Water movement will depend on other unknown factors
Net movement of water will be form the surrounding cells to cell X
1. Formation of first polar body
2. Second meiosis
3. First meiosis
4. Formation of pronuclei
Second meiosis
1. Blastula
2. Gastrula
3. Cleavage
4. Fertilization