1. They are acellular
2. They possess special cells called choanocytes
3. They reproduce asexually
4. They are all marine
They possess special cells called choanocytes
1. Trophocytes
2. Porocytes
3. Choanocytes
4. Chromocytes.
1. Spongilla
2. Euplectella
3. Cliona
4. Euspongia
1. Plant is rapidly respiring
2. Concentration of salts in the soil is high
3. Concentration of solutes in the cell sap is high
4. They are separated from the soil by a permeable
5. Membrane
Concentration of solutes in the cell sap is high
1. Vallisneria
2. Pistia
3. Lotus
4. Hydrilla
1. Succulents
2. Mesophytes
3. Hydrophytes
4. Herbs
1. Osmosis
2. Bad workmanship
3. Imbitions
4. Bad quality of wood
1. Herbs
2. Dicot leaf
3. Isobilateral leaf
4. Scale leaf
Isobilateral leaf
1. K+ ions
2. Na ions
3. Fe ions
4. Mg ions
K+ ions
1. Zero
2. Negative
3. High
4. Very low