1. Corpus luteum
2. Corpus albicans
3. Leydig cells
4. Graafian cells
Corpus luteum
1. Ovary
2. Testis
3. Kidney
4. Liver
1. Testis with epididymis
2. Kidneys with cloaca
3. Testes with urinogential ducts
4. None of the above
Testis with epididymis
1. 21 days
2. 28 days
3. 30 days
4. 40 days
28 days
1. Beginning
2. Midway
3. End
4. Any time
1. Uterus
2. Vagina
3. Fallopian tubes
4. Urethra
1. Sperms
2. Urine
3. Young ones
4. Ova
1. Urethra
2. Inguinal canal
3. Vas deferens
4. Epididymis
Inguinal canal
1. Oviduct
2. Fallopian funnel
3. Ovisac
4. Cloaca
Fallopian funnel
1. Control the movement of sperm
2. Provide energy of movement of sperm
3. Provide energy to nucleus
4. None of the above
Provide energy of movement of sperm