1. Sulcus
2. Cingulum or girdle
3. Annulus
4. Both(B) and(C)
Both(B) and(C)
1. Diatoms
2. Dinoflagellates
3. Euglenoids
4. None of these.
1. Hypnotoxin
2. Saxitoxin
3. Muycotoxin
4. Both (A) and(C)
1. Sporocytes
2. Sporangia
3. Plasmodium
4. Pseudoplasmodium
1. Pelomyxa
2. Physarum
3. Dictyostellum
4. Arcella.
1. Gamete formation
2. Recombination during cell division
3. Chromosomal movement towards poles
4. Production of enzymes during cell division
Recombination during cell division
1. Diplotene- chiasma formation and separation of chromosomes
2. Leptotene- Homologous chromosomes get associated as bivalents
3. Paxhytene- Homologous chromosomes come in pairs
4. Zygotene- Chromatin beings to get compacted showing fine threads
Diplotene- chiasma formation and separation of chromosomes
1. Halophile
2. methanogen
3. Chemolithotroph
4. Myxobacterium
1. Two daughter nuclei
2. Two different bivalents
3. Sister chromatids of a bivalent
4. Non- sister chromatids of a bivalent
Non- sister chromatids of a bivalent
1. Monocystis
2. Trichonympha
3. Trichomonas
4. Lophomonas.