1. euglenoids
2. dinoflagellates
3. rotifers
4. foraminiferans
1. 80
2. 70
3. 50
4. 10.
1. Male Anopheles mosquito
2. Female Anopheles mosquito
3. Sand flies
4. Tse-tse fly.
Sand flies
1. cilium
2. eye spot
3. flagellum
4. chloroplast.
eye spot
1. The time from the formation of a cell until its death
2. The series of events that takes place from the formation of cell unit it divides again
3. The sequence of events that assures each daughter cell of a set of chromosomes identical with that of its parent cell
4. The growth of cell unit it is large enough to divide again
The series of events that takes place from the formation of cell unit it divides again
1. hypnospore
2. aplanospore
3. cysts
4. None of the above.
1. Cannot undergo division again
2. Can undergo mitosis but not meiosis
3. Can undergo mitosis or meiosis
4. Can undergo meiosis but not mitosis
Can undergo mitosis but not meiosis
1. mode of feeding
2. locomotory organelles
3. mode of reproduction
4. size and shape.
locomotory organelles
1. Entamoeba
2. Monocystis
3. Paramecium
4. Euglena.
1. Its chromosomes are visible distinct thread- like structures
2. The nuclear membrane is not visible
3. The chromosomes are lined up on the equator of the spindle
4. The chromosomes are separated into two distinct groups attached to the spindle
5. The chromosomes are found in two compact groups in two small patches of cytoplasm that are in the process of separating into two distinct cells
The chromosomes are lined up on the equator of the spindle