1. two epithets (words)
2. one epithet
3. five epithets
4. twelve epithets
two epithets (words)
1. a collection of plants
2. a collection of animals
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. twelve epithets
a collection of plants
1. Hutchinson
2. Lawrence
3. Tippo
4. Bentham and Hooker
Bentham and Hooker
1. neotype
2. lectotype
3. paratype
4. holotype
1. order
2. family
3. class
4. All of these
1. cell proliferation
2. cell enlargement and secretion of extracelluar matrix
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. None of the above
Both (a) and (b)
1. DNA only
2. RNA only
3. Protein only
4. DNA + RNA + Protein
DNA + RNA + Protein
1. Intake of food materials, oxygen and water
2. Elimination of waste materials and energy
3. Intake of materials, energy and elimination of waste products including energy
4. None of the above
Intake of materials, energy and elimination of
waste products including energy
1. Both grow
2. Both respire
3. Both reproduce
4. Both have gravitational force
Both have gravitational force
1. cicada
2. may fly
3. culex
4. fleas
may fly