1. it is cold outside
2. it is hot outside
3. we fall ill
4. we perform strenuous exercise
we fall ill
1. warm blooded
2. ectothermic
3. endothermic
4. Both (b) and (c)
1. Plantae
2. Animalia
3. Monerans
4. Protistans
1. family and genus
2. phylum and order
3. order and family
4. kingdom and phylum
phylum and order
1. fusion of sperm with secondary nucleus
2. fusion of sperm with oosphere
3. fusion of one sperm with egg and other with secondary nucleus
4. fusion of sperm with zygote
fusion of sperm with oosphere
1. azygospore
2. aplanospore
3. hypnospore
4. None of these
1. parthenospore
2. azygospore
3. hypnospore
4. Both (a) and (b)
Both (a) and (b)
1. parthenoapogamy
2. parthenogamy
3. parthenogenesis
4. parthenocarpy
1. parthenoagamy
2. partheno-apogamy
3. parthenogenesis
4. parthenocarpy
1. Barsbi et.al
2. Carlson et.al
3. Wether et.al
4. Helperin
Barsbi et.al