1. sporulation
2. regeneration
3. encystation
4. fragmentation
1. Gametes are diploid in humans
2. Sperm and ova fuse to form zygote
3. It introduces new gene combinations in a population
4. Diploid zygote divides by mitosis
Gametes are diploid in humans
1. parthenogenesis
2. conjugation
3. asexual reproduction
4. hermaphroditism
1. earthworms
2. tapeworms
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. None of these
Both (a) and (b)
1. Cucurditaceae
2. Rosaceae
3. Malvaceae
4. Caeselpinoideae.
1. sperm produced in the testes of one individual can fertilize the eggs produced by the same individual
2. sperm produced in the testes of one individual can fertilize the eggs produced by different individual
3. sperm of one individual fertilizes the eggs of different species
4. ova of one individual fertilizes the sperm of different genera
sperm produced in the testes of one individual can fertilize the eggs produced by the same individual
1. Mimosoideae
2. Malvaceae
3. Rutaceae
4. Cruciferae.
1. Charles Bonnet(1745)
2. Charles Darwin(1776)
3. Charles Lyall(1775)
4. Charles Brown(1878)
Charles Bonnet(1745)
1. presence of ray and disc florets
2. presence of a stamina tube.
3. presence of four clawed and diagonally arranged peta, tetradynamous condition
4. None of these.
presence of four clawed and diagonally arranged peta, tetradynamous condition
1. rotifers
2. some gastropods
3. lizards and many crustaceans
4. All of the above
All of the above