1. favourable conditions
2. unfavourable condition
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. None of the above
unfavourable condition
1. Artemisia
2. Sunflower
3. Safflower
4. All of above.
All of above.
1. higher animals
2. lower animals
3. plants
4. all of these
lower animals
1. two
2. three
3. four
4. five
1. alternation of generation
2. metagenesis
3. paedogenesis
4. parthenogenesis
1. K5 c5 A5G(2)
2. K5C5A(9)-1 G
3. K6 C5 A6 G(6+5(3)
4. Br k pappus or 2-3 scales C(5) A(5) G(2)
Br k pappus or 2-3 scales C(5) A(5) G(2)
1. Polyembryony
2. sexual and asexual
3. Partenogenesis
4. Encystment
sexual and asexual
1. man
2. rabbit
3. cat
4. horse
1. hermaphrodite
2. heteromorphosis
3. sexual dimorphism
4. unisexual
sexual dimorphism
1. toads
2. frogs
3. fish
4. catfish