1. flowers can be easily preserved
2. flowers show great variety in structure and colours
3. reproductive parts are more conservative than other parts
4. None of the above.
reproductive parts are more conservative than other parts
1. Position of the flower
2. Number and arrangement of floral parts in the flower
3. Structure of the flower
4. Habit of the plant.
Number and arrangement of floral parts in the flower
1. Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis
2. Brassica oleraceae var.gongloides
3. Brassica oleraceae var.capitata
4. Brassica oleraceae var.gemmifera.
Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis
1. Ranuculaceae
2. Capparidaceae
3. Rosaceae
4. Compositae.
1. Ranunculaceae
2. Caryophyllaceae
3. Cucurbitaceae
4. Solanaceae.
1. Number of sepals,free or united
2. colour and shape
3. astivation and special appendages
4. All of above.
All of above.
1. Mimosoideae
2. Malvaceae
3. Palmae
4. Rutaceae.
1. Leguminosae
2. Cucurbidaceae
3. Rosaceae
4. Solanaceae
1. Cucurbitaceae
2. Cappaidaceae
3. Solanaceae
4. Malvaceae.
1. P2 or lodicules A3 G1
2. K(3+3) C(3+3) A(3+3) G(3)
3. P3+2 A3+3 G(5)
4. P3+2AG
P2 or lodicules A3 G1