1.  Potassium - argon method

2.  Uranium- lead method

3.  Electron - spin resonance method

4.  Radio - carbon method

Correct Answer :

Electron - spin resonance method

Explanation :
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1.  Circinotropous

2.  Anatropous

3.  Amphitropous

4.  Atropous

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  amount of water absorbed equals the amount transpired

2.  osmotic pressure

3.  root pressure

4.  potential difference between the tip of the tube and that of the plant

Correct Answer :

amount of water absorbed equals the amount transpired

Explanation :
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1.  Stem and root

2.  All parts

3.  Shoot tips and root tips

4.  Flowers, fruits and leaves

Correct Answer :

Shoot tips and root tips

Explanation :
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1.  Reverse transcriptase

2.  DNA dependant RNA polymerase

3.  DNA polymerase

4.  RNA polymerase

Correct Answer :

Reverse transcriptase

Explanation :
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1.  radial symmetry

2.  presence of pseudocoel

3.  bilateral symmetry

4.  absence of body cavity

Correct Answer :

absence of body cavity

Explanation :
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1.  Non-competitive inhibition of an enzyme can be overcome by adding large amount of substrate

2.  Competitive inhibition is seen when a substrate competes with an enzyme for binding to an inhibitor protein

3.  Competitive inhibition is seen when the substrate and the inhibitor compete

4.  Non-competitive inhibitors often bind to the enzyme irreversibly

Correct Answer :

Competitive inhibition is seen when the substrate and the inhibitor compete

Explanation :
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1.  Cartilaginous joint — skull bones

2.  Hinge joint — between vertebrae

3.  Fibrous joint — between phalanges

4.  Gliding joint — between zygapophyses of the successive vertebrae

Correct Answer :

Gliding joint — between zygapophyses of the successive vertebrae

Explanation :
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1.  the Km value

2.  the pH optimum value

3.  formation of the product

4.  molecular size of the enzyme

Correct Answer :

the Km value

Explanation :
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1.  only on plates with streptomycin

2.  on plates with minimal medium

3.  only on plates without streptomycin

4.  on plates with and without streptomycin

Correct Answer :

only on plates with streptomycin

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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