1. I-celled stage
2. 2-celled stage
3. 3-celled stage
4. 4-celled stage.
3-celled stage
1. haustorial in nature
2. Sperm carrier
3. carrier of ovule.
4. carrier of archegonia.
Sperm carrier
1. Deciduous
2. Dioecious
3. Monoecious
4. None of these.
1. aflagellate
2. diflagellate
3. triflagellate
4. multiflagellate.
1. orthotropous and unitegmic
2. anatropous and unitegmic
3. orthotropus and tritemic
4. anatropous and tritegmic
orthotropous and unitegmic
1. Cycas
2. Gnetum
3. Pinus
4. Welwitschia
1. Ginkgo
2. Abies
3. Pinus
4. Welwitschia
1. pollination
2. fertization
3. seeds
4. ovary.
1. insects
2. birds
3. wind
4. bats.
1. Effect of auxins on growth of stem tip
2. Competition between adjacent trees for sunlight
3. Efficiency for water transport
4. Adaptation for wind pollination.
Adaptation for wind pollination.