1. Spirogyra
2. Ulothrix
3. Funaria
4. Dryopteris
1. All cells
2. Prokaryotic cells
3. Lipid secreting and storing cells
4. None of the above
Lipid secreting and storing cells
1. Spirogyra and Ulothrix
2. Rhizopus and Funaria
3. Dryopteris and Cycas
4. All the above.
All the above.
1. Ingestion of foreign bodies
2. Digestion of aged organelles
3. Cell destructon of aged organelles
4. Osmoregulation
1. Van Helmont
2. Pristely
3. Ingenhousz
4. Bloackmann
1. Bacteria
2. Cyanobacteria
3. Higher plants
4. All of them
Higher plants
1. Pteridophytes
2. Gymnosperms
3. Angiosperms.
4. None of the above.
1. Lecucoplasts
2. Chromoplasts
3. Chloroplasts
4. None of them
1. Hypostomatic condition
2. presence of sori on the ventral surface
3. Circinate ptyxis
4. All the above.
All the above.
1. RNA
2. DNA
3. Proteins
4. None of the above
None of the above