1. gametophyte is independent of sporophyte
2. sporophyte is partly dependent on gametophyte
3. Both (A) and (B)
4. None of the above.
Both (A) and (B)
1. Xylem
2. Collecnchyma
3. Cytoplasm
4. Parenchyma
1. no fruits are produced
2. no seeds are produced
3. antheridia and archegonia are present
4. presence of sporophyte.
no seeds are produced
1. They are adapted to move their body
2. They have muscles and nerves
3. They have to change the size of their body during locomotion
4. All correct
All correct
1. prothallus
2. sporophyte
3. protonema
4. gametophyte.
1. Cycas
2. Funaria
3. Riccia
4. Angiosperm.
1. Fibril
2. Microfibril
3. Micelle
4. Middle lamella
1. Angiosperm
2. Gymnosperm
3. Pteridophyta
4. Bryophyta.
1. in the epidermis of stem
2. in the capsule epidermis
3. in the leaf epidermis
4. All of above.
in the capsule epidermis
1. Tannins in cell wall
2. Middle lamella
3. Plasmodesmata
4. All of these
Middle lamella